NEW at Traffic Company: PIN API

NEW at Traffic Company: PIN API

Posted on 06-02-2023 by Tess Bosma

We’re live with PIN API! Next to regular promotion we now also offer PIN API for several geos. In this blogpost we will explain what PIN API entails and how it works.

So, what is PIN API.

The difference with general PIN Submit campaigns is that we host it internally at Traffic Company and all requests are being send by API. It’s mostly interesting for publishers with their own apps or websites where they integrate offers through API and send out requests with MSISDN’s and PINs.

How does this work.

First, the user enters their MSISDN (phone number) in the app/website. This depends, as it could be that the app detects and sends it through automatically. After that, we check if the user is previously subscribed or not and if this is not the case, we will send the PIN straight to the end-user’s mailbox.

1. Request a pin to be send

To request the pin to be send, you should execute an HTTP GET request to the following URL: You should also add the following GET parameters
Get Parameters Requirement Description Example
access-token Required Your private API access token. You can find this in your traffic company control panel. aaaabbbbccccddddeee
ip Required The ip address of the device that will receive the pin by sms. We need this to generate the tracker and select the connection.
msisdn Required The phone-number of the device which will receive the pin by sms. 393444444444
pi Optional The promo info can be used to track campaigns in your statistics. It should never be used to track unique data like individual visitors. The promo info should contain no more than 45 characters and is restricted to letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. my-campaign
... Optional Optional additional parameters (for example “click_id” or “sub_id”). If correctly setup in your postback url, you will receive this parameter(s) back in your postback notification. click_id=a1b2c3&sub_ id=1a2b3c
Screenshot from the Traffic Company PIN API

Now the user can enter the PIN in the app/site manually, or, which is more likely with app, it will be pre-filled automatically. Once the app/site detects the PIN, it will be send to the TC PIN API where it fetches the stored data using the tracker and checks if it matches.

2. Verify PIN

To verify the pin, you should execute an HTTP GET request to the following URL:

You should also add the following GET parameters

Get Parameters Requirement Description Example
tracker Required The tracker that was returned with the send pin request. Used to register conversions on your account 213482734sadfk 32,12214,5,1293
pin Required The pin that was send as sms 1234
Screenshot from the Traffic Company PIN API

After a successful check the TC PIN API returns to the app/site whether the PIN was verified and accordingly we’ll send a postback to the publisher to confirm the conversion.

2.1 OK response

on a successful response we will return with HTTP CODE 200. the content will be like this:

"status": "ok",
"message": "Pin verified",
Screenshot from the Traffic Company PIN API

How to start

We added ‘’PIN API’’ as a new category to the Traffic Company Offer Wall. Here you can find all the geo-carrier combinations we have available with the Traffic Company PIN API Documentation attached. The offer details and documentation should provide enough information to start but if you still have questions please feel free to reach out to your Account Manager!

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